Here's a warm and fuzzy one... pun intended.PRNewswire--Beginning Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10, through Saturday, July 11, Toys"R"Us and Babies"R"Us will collect cash donations on behalf of Save the Children in all stores nationwide and through BundledinHope provides baby blankets to thousands of infants in need in the United States, in collaboration with Save the Children. Recent statistics show that more than 2.6 million American babies are currently living in poverty, and every 33 seconds a baby is born into poverty in the United States. Both numbers are expected to rise given the current economic environment. With monetary donations collected in Toys"R"Us and Babies"R"Us stores across the country and online at, Save the Children will purchase baby blankets for infants in the most impoverished parts of the United States. The funds raised will also help Save the Children provide ongoing support in these regions through a comprehensive early childhood development program. Mark Shriver, Vice President and Managing Director of U.S. Programs for Save the Children, said, "With the help of Toys"R"Us and their customers, the simple gift of baby blankets will provide a better sense of security for thousands of infants and toddlers living in poverty in the United States...." "Research and experience have shown that a favorite blanket can be a soothing and comforting transitional object as children face changes early in life and can actually help them develop emotionally," said Judith Jerald, MSW and Early Childhood Advisor to Save the Children's U.S. Programs. Won't you give today?
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